Examples icon

Here you can find some example circuits to get you started with Linkuit Studio. You can download the examples as .lscLinkuit Studio Circuit File - Linkuit Studio's custom file format by clicking on the example's name. After that, you can open the example in your installation of Linkuit Studio and start experimenting!

File iconBasic Gates

This example covers the basic logic gates, the building blocks of all digital electronic. Explore how the outputs relate to the inputs and gain some hands-on experience with Linkuit Studio!

File iconAdding Numbers

This example will teach you about how computers add binary numbers and how to use Linkuit Studio's built-in adder components to simplify your circuits.

File iconSynchronous Counter

A counter is a circuit that counts in binary and increments by one each time the input signal turns high. This example shows how to create a synchronous counter with Linkuit Studio. In contrast to asynchronous counters, synchronous counters update all their outputs at the same time.

File iconTraffic Lights

This example includes a 3-bit synchronous counter and a diode matrix that generates control signals for a pedestrian and a road traffic light. Diode matrices can be used to build simple control units for sequential logic circuits.